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C-GATE was initiated as part of a review article that we have written for the Annual Review of Genetics (ARG), in Dixie Mager's lab. We are particularly interested in understanding the relationship that exists between ERVs (endogenous retroviruses, a type of transposable element) and mammalian genomes (especially human and mouse). While writing the ARG review article we decided that a catalogue of all the known TE exaptation events, containing information on both the TEs and genes was necessary. We hope that such a catalogue will be of benefit to investigators outside the TE world, and will also help the TE community find exaptation examples in a much easier way. We have attempted to list all examples of TEs influencing host genes and, of course, have likely missed many of them. That is why we need your help, to correct the cases you know, perhaps because you have worked with the case or even first identified it. We ask that you also add new cases to the catalogue, as we know that research and discoveries never stop, especially when considering the subject of TEs influencing host genes! 


For any information please contact rita.rebollo @ - Logo design by Elena Serrano 

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