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  • Vallier, A., Dell’Aglio, E., Ferrarini, G.M., Hurtado, O., Vincent-Monégat, C., Heddi, A., Rebollo, R.@ and Zaidman-Rémy, A.@. Transcriptomic-based selection of reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR in an insect symbiotic model. BioRxiv (2023). Front. Ecol. Evol., (2023) @ corresponding authors. 


  • Ferrarini, M. G., Vallier, A., Dell’Aglio, E., Balmand, S., Vincent-Monégat, C., Debbache, M., Maire, J., Parisot, N., Zaidman-Rémy, A., Heddi, A. and Rebollo, R. @ Endosymbiont-containing germarium transcriptional survey in a cereal weevil depicts downregulation of immune effectors at the onset of sexual maturity. Frontiers in Physiology 14. (2023) @ Corresponding author.


  • Lacotte, V., Dell’Aglio, E., Peignier, S., Benzaoui, F., Heddi, A., Rebollo, R. and da Silva, P. A comparative study revealed hyperspectral imaging as a potential standardized tool for the analysis of cuticle tanning over insect development. Heliyon 9, e13962. (2023).


  • Dell’Aglio E, Lacotte V, Peignier S, Rahioui I, Benzaoui F, Vallier A, Da Silva P, Desouhant E, Heddi A*, Rebollo R*. Weevil Carbohydrate Intake Triggers Endosymbiont Proliferation: A Trade-Off between Host Benefit and Endosymbiont Burden.  bioRxiv. 2022 Jan 1;2022. Mbio, e03333-22 (2023). *corresponding authors.





  • Oliveira DS, Fablet M, Larue A, Vallier A, Carareto CMA, Rebollo R*, Vieira C*. ChimeraTE: A pipeline to detect chimeric transcripts derived from genes and transposable elements. bioRiv. 2022 Sep.*corresponding authors.



  • Fablet, M.*, Salsez-Ortiz, J., Jacquet, A., F Menezes, B., Dechaud, C., Veber, P., Noûs, C., Rebollo, R. and Vieira, C.*. A quantitative, genome-wide analysis in Drosophila reveals transposable elements' influence on gene expression is species-specific. bioRxiv. *corresponding authors.





  • Parisot, N.$, Vargas-Chavez, C.$, Goubert, C.$, Baa-Puyoulet, P., Balmand, S., Beranger, B., Blanc, C., Bonnamour, A., Boulesteix, M., Burlet, N., Calevro, F., Callaerts, P., Chancy, T., Charles, H., Colella, S., Da Silva Barbosa, A., Dell’Aglio, E., Di Genova, A., Febvay, G., Gabaldon, T., Galvão Ferrarini, M., Gerber, A., Gillet, B., Hubley, R., Hughes, S., Jacquin-Joly, E., Maire, J., Marcet-Houben, M., Masson, F., Meslin, C., Montagne, N., Moya, A., Ribeiro De Vasconcelos, A. T., Richard, G., Rosen, J., Sagot, M.F., Smit, A. F. A., Storer, J. M., Vincent-Monegat, C., Vallier, A., Vigneron, A., Zaidman-Remy, A., Zamoum, W., Vieira, C.*, Rebollo, R.*, Latorre, A*. and Heddi, A*. The transposable element-rich genome of the cereal pest Sitophilus oryzae. BMC Biology 2021;19:241. co-authors, *corresponding authors. (available as a preprint at


  • Clapes T$, Polyzou A$, Prater P$, Sagar, Morales-Hernández A, Ferrarini MG, Kehrer N, Lefkopoulos S, Bergo V, Hummel B, Obier N, Maticzka D, Bridgeman A, Herman JS, Ilik I, Klaeylé L, Rehwinkel J, McKinney-Freeman S, Backofen R, Akhtar A, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Sawarkar R, Rebollo, R., Grün D, Trompouki E. Chemotherapy-induced transposable elements activate MDA5 to enhance haematopoietic regeneration. Nat Cell Biol. 2021 Jul 12;1–14. co-authors


  • Ferrarini, M. G.$, Lal, A.$, Rebollo, R., Gruber, A., Guarracino, A., Gonzalez, I. M., Floyd, T., Oliveira, D. S. de, Shanklin, J., Beausoleil, E., Pusa, T., Pickett, B. E.* & Aguiar-Pulido, V.* Genome-wide bioinformatic analyses predict key host and viral factors in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis. Communications Biology 4:590 (2021).  co-authors *corresponding authors doi: https://doi-org/10.1038/s42003-021-02095-0 (available as a preprint at​​




  • Rebollo, R., Galvão-Ferrarini, M., Gagnier, L., Zhang, Y., Ferraj, A., Beck, C. R., Lorincz, M. C. & Mager, D. L. Inter-Strain Epigenomic Profiling Reveals a Candidate IAP Master Copy in C3H Mice. Viruses 12, 783 (2020).


  • Ferrarini, M., Aguiar-Pulido, V., Dawson, E. T., Guarracino, A., Gruber, A., Heumos, L., Kanitz, A., Lal, A., Pickett, B. E., Rebollo, R., Ruiz-Arenas, C., Awe, O. I., Bedi, S., Busby, B., Georgaki, M., James, C., Gonzalez, I. M., Meldal, B., Mucha, S. G., Nabavi, N., Neiro, J., Queralt-Rosinach, N., Rocca-Serra, P., de Oliveira, D. S. & Tsagiopoulou, M. Global analysis of human SARS-CoV-2 infection and host-virus interaction. BioHackrXiv (2020).




  • Fablet, M., Jacquet, A., Rebollo, R., Haudry, A., Rey, C., Salces-Ortiz, J., Bajad, P., Burlet, N., Jantsch, M., Garcia Guerreiro, M. P. & Vieira, C. Dynamic Interactions Between the Genome and an Endogenous Retrovirus: Tirant in Drosophila simulans Wild-Type Strains. G3 g3.200789.2018 (2019).




  • Wolf, G., Rebollo, R., Karimi, M. M., Ewing, A. D., Kamada, R., Wu, W., Wu, B., Bachu, M., Ozato, K., Faulkner, G. J., Mager, D. L., Lorincz, M. C. & Macfarlan, T. S. On the role of H3.3 in retroviral silencing. Nature 548, E1–E3 (2017).




  • Rebollo, R. & Mager, D. L. in Transposons and Retrotransposons: Methods and Protocols (ed. Garcia-Pérez, J. L.) 377–385 (Springer, 2016).




  • Lock, F. E., Rebollo, R., Miceli-Royer, K., Gagnier, L., Kuah, S., Babaian, A., Sistiaga-Poveda, M., Lai, C. B., Nemirovsky, O., Serrano, I., Steidl, C., Karimi, M. M. & Mager, D. L. Distinct isoform of FABP7 revealed by screening for retroelement-activated genes in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, E3534–E3543 (2014).




  • Vieira, C., Fablet, M., Lerat, E., Boulesteix, M., Rebollo, R., Burlet, N., Akkouche, A., Hubert, B., Mortada, H. & Biémont, C. A comparative analysis of the amounts and dynamics of transposable elements in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 113, 83–86 (2012).


  • Rebollo, R., Zhang, Y. & Mager, D. L. Transposable elements: not as quiet as a mouse. Genome Biology 13, 159 (2012).


  • Rebollo, R., Romanish, M. T. & Mager, D. L. Transposable Elements: An Abundant and Natural Source of Regulatory Sequences for Host Genes. Annu. Rev. Genet. 46, 21–42 (2012).


  • Rebollo, R*., Miceli-Royer, K*., Zhang, Y., Farivar, S., Gagnier, L. & Mager, D. L. Epigenetic interplay between mouse endogenous retroviruses and host genes. Genome Biol 13, R89 (2012). *co-authors.


  • Rebollo, R., Horard, B., Begeot, F., Delattre, M., Gilson, E. & Vieira, C. A Snapshot of Histone Modifications within Transposable Elements in Drosophila Wild Type Strains. PLoS ONE 7, e44253 (2012).


  • Rebollo, R., Farivar, S. & Mager, D. L. C-GATE - catalogue of genes affected by transposable elements. Mobile DNA 3, 9 (2012). 


  • Akkouche, A., Rebollo, R., Burlet, N., Esnault, C., Martinez, S., Viginier, B., Terzian, C., Vieira, C. & Fablet, M. tirant, a Newly Discovered Active Endogenous Retrovirus in Drosophila simulans. Journal of Virology 86, 3675–3681 (2012).




  • Rebollo, R., Karimi, M. M., Bilenky, M., Gagnier, L., Miceli-Royer, K., Zhang, Y., Goyal, P., Keane, T. M., Jones, S., Hirst, M., Lorincz, M. C. & Mager, D. L. Retrotransposon-Induced Heterochromatin Spreading in the Mouse Revealed by Insertional Polymorphisms. PLoS Genet 7, e1002301 (2011). Included in Faculty of 1000.


  • Cohen, C. J., Rebollo, R., Babovic, S., Dai, E. L., Robinson, W. P. & Mager, D. L. Placenta-specific Expression of the Interleukin-2 (IL-2) Receptor β Subunit from an Endogenous Retroviral Promoter. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 35543–35552 (2011).




  • Rebollo, R., Horard, B., Hubert, B. & Vieira, C. Jumping genes and epigenetics: Towards new species. Gene 454, 1–7 (2010).




  • Fablet, M., Lerat, E., Rebollo, R., Horard, B., Burlet, N., Martinez, S., Brasset, É., Gilson, E., Vaury, C. & Vieira, C. Genomic environment influences the dynamics of the tirant LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila. The FASEB Journal 23, 1482–1489 (2009).




  • Rebollo, R., Lerat, E., Kleine, L., Biémont, C. & Vieira, C. Losing helena: The extinction of a drosophila line-like element. BMC Genomics 9, 149 (2008).




  • Fablet, M., Rebollo, R., Biémont, C. & Vieira, C. The evolution of retrotransposon regulatory regions and its consequences on the Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens host genomes. Gene 390, 84–91 (2007).


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